
lrradiated wire
  • 歐盟認證
  • 綠色產(chǎn)品
  • 安全可靠
Environmentally friendly wire
  • 高壽命
  • 高性能
  • 高品質(zhì)
電線(xiàn) 電纜 銅型材 管材產(chǎn)品 衛浴產(chǎn)品 電瓷 開(kāi)關(guān)產(chǎn)品

額定電壓450/750V 及以下聚氯乙烯絕緣電纜




GB/T 5023、JB 8734



名稱(chēng) 型號 規格 主要用途
Description Type Specifications Main application
一般用途單芯硬導體無(wú)護套電纜 60227 IEC 01 (BV) 1.5~400 固定敷設,可用于室內明敷、穿管等場(chǎng)合
Single core solid conductor non-sheathed cable for general purpose Used for fixed installation in air or wire conduit
內部布線(xiàn)用導體溫度為70℃的單芯實(shí)心導體無(wú)護套電纜 60227 IEC 05 (BV) 0.5~1.0  
Sing-core non-sheathed cable with solid conductor for internal wiring for a conductor temperature of 70℃  
內部布線(xiàn)用導體溫度為90℃的單芯實(shí)心導體無(wú)護套電纜 60227 IEC 07 (BV-90) 0.5~2.5 固定敷設于高溫環(huán)境等場(chǎng)合,可用于室內明敷、穿管等場(chǎng)合
Sing-core non-sheathed cable with solid conductor for internal wiring for a conductor temperature of 90℃ Used fox fixed installation in air or wire conduit at high temperature circumstances
輕型聚氯乙烯護套電纜 60227 IEC 10 (BVV) 1.5~35 固定敷設用,要求機械防護較高和潮濕等場(chǎng)合??擅鞣?、暗敷
Light duty PVC sheathed cable Used for fixed installation in air or wire conduit in case of high mechanical protection and wet circumstances
銅芯聚氯乙烯絕緣聚氯乙烯護套扁型電纜 BVVB 0.75~10  
Copper core PVC insulated PVC sheathed  flat type cable  
一般用途單芯軟導體無(wú)護套電纜 60227 IEC 02 (RV) 1.5~240 主要用于中輕型移動(dòng)電器、儀器儀表、家用電器、動(dòng)力照明等使用時(shí)要求柔軟的場(chǎng)合
Single core flexible conductor non-sheathed cable for general purpose Mainly used for medium or light duty movable electrical appliances, instruments, household appliances ,power, lighting system and so on in flexing application。
內部布線(xiàn)用導體溫度為70℃的單芯軟導體無(wú)護套電纜 60227 IEC 06 (RV) 0.5~1.0  
Sing-core non-sheathed cable with flexible conductor for internal wiring for a conductor temperature of  70℃  
輕型聚氯乙烯護套軟線(xiàn) 60227 IEC 52 (RVV) 0.75~2.5  
Light duty PVC-sheathed flexible cord  
扁形無(wú)護套軟線(xiàn) 60227 IEC 42(RVB) 0.75~2.5  
Flat type non-sheathed flexible cord  
銅芯聚氯乙烯絕緣絞型連接用軟電線(xiàn) RVS 0.31~2.51  
Copper core PVC insulated stranding cords for conecting  
普通聚氯乙烯護套軟線(xiàn) 60227 IEC 53 (RVV) 0.5~2.5 主要用于中輕型移動(dòng)電器、儀器儀表、家用電器、動(dòng)力照明等使用時(shí)要求柔軟并且耐熱的場(chǎng)合
Ordinary PVC-sheathed flexible cord Mainly used for medium or light duty movable electrical appliances, instruments, household appliances, power, lighting system and so on in flexig and heat resistant application。
導體溫度為90℃的耐熱輕型聚氯乙烯護套軟線(xiàn) 60227 IEC 56 (RVV-90) 0.5~0.75  
Light duty PVC-sheathed flexible cord for a conductor temperature of 90℃  
導體溫度為90℃的耐熱普通聚氯乙烯護套軟線(xiàn) 60227 IEC 57 (RVV-90) 0.75~2.5  
Ordinary PVC-sheathed flexible cord for a conductor temperature of 90℃  
內部布線(xiàn)用導體溫度為90℃的單芯軟導體無(wú)護套電纜 60227 IEC 08 (RV-90) 0.5~2.5  
Sing-core non-sheathed cable with flexible conductor for internal wiring for a conductor temperature of 90℃  
銅芯聚氯乙烯絕緣軟電纜 BVR 2.5~70 固定布線(xiàn)要求柔軟的場(chǎng)合
Copper core PVC-sheathed flexible cables Fixed installation in flexing application
通许县| 甘德县| 丽水市| 阳新县| 秦皇岛市| 满洲里市| 东光县| 若羌县| 通江县| 株洲县| 大连市| 堆龙德庆县| 米易县| 尚义县| 枣强县| 鲁山县| 渭南市| 武安市| 依兰县| 咸宁市| 富源县| 平武县| 宁乡县| 华蓥市| 桂平市| 日照市| 龙海市| 泰顺县| 东乡族自治县| 温宿县| 连平县| 武川县| 称多县| 锡林郭勒盟| 津南区| 成都市| 轮台县| 高邑县| 定襄县| 开平市| 常德市|